Attention Parents: Don’t forget tonight is the Christmas program starting at seven.

Attention Parents:
We still have seven (7) angels that need a sponsor. Please contact Lorie @ 918-963-2595 if you are interested. We need to deliver all presents to the parents no later than Friday.

Good morning Parents,
I have a couple of announcements.
1. Tonight is Parent Teacher Conferences from 3:30 to 6:30
2. Tonight is also a home game starting at 4:00 vs Moffett
3. No after school today
4. No school tomorrow or all next week.
I hope everyone has a great break and spends some much needed time with family and friends. Enjoy the thanksgiving holiday and we will see you back on December 2nd.

Attention Parents:
Changes to tonight's games. There will not be a 3/4 grade girls game tonight. We will start play with the 3/4 boys at 5:00 pm. 5/6 boys and girls will follow.

Next week we will be collecting food and other non-perishable food items for baskets. We will do this through a contest with each grade. Two winners will be selected one in grades Pk-4 and one in grades5-8. The winners will be selected based on the total number of items collected.The winners will receive a popcorn and movie party at a future date All food items will go to the PTO and be given to families for the Thanksgiving holiday season.

Attention Parents:
We will be dismissing school tomorrow 11/15/2019 due to sickness. We have a growing percentage of our students being sent home with flu, fever, or other illness. We hope the students will take the three-day weekend to mend and be ready for school on Monday. The staff will be taking the time Friday to disinfect the campus and ensure that the facilities are ready for the faculty and student’s return on Monday.

In honor of Veteran's day on Monday the 11th. We will have program to honor them starting at 11:45 (ish). Spiro VFW will present a program and Veteran in attendance are invited to stay for lunch.

Do not forget that pictures are Thursday 11/14

Thank you to everyone who came out last night for the Fall Festival. I am glad everyone had a chance to enjoy the hard work the faculty and staff put in to make it all happen. That being said everyone take the next two days off and enjoy Fall Break.

The fall festival is in full swing. Bingo, cake walk, concessions, silent auction, and more. Come down and enjoy the fun.

Tomorrow is the Fall Carnival from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
As you can see on the attached flyer there is a lot to do. Please, come out and enjoy the festivities.
We are pleased to announce that, thanks to the Shady Point Firefighters Wives Auxiliary, we will have Bingo. They have worked hard to round up great prizes.
In case of inclement weather, we will be moving the festivities into the gym. So, do not let rain stop you from coming out.

Attention Parents...
8th Grade Career & College Expo Trip
The 8th grade will be visiting the Career and College Expo on Thursday, October 10th. We will leave the school at 8:45 am and return before the end of school. Lunch will be provided. A concession stand will be on site, if students want to bring money. If you have any questions, please call the school at 963-2595.

Attention 7/8th Grade Parents:
Do not forget that Class Ring deposits are due with the ring orders tomorrow Oct. 8th by 8:00 am.

Basketball Schedules are Available Now. If you go to the webpage and select explore and then select "Athletics" you will find them all.
You can also go to
https://5il.co/ama8 for 3rd/4th Grades
https://5il.co/ama9 for 5th/6th Grades
https://5il.co/amaa for 7th/8th Grades

There are two forms coming home today. One for Vision Screening and one for flu shots. We will have both on campus on Oct. 21st, but we need the forms by this Friday (Oct. 10th).
Vision screening is a service that we offer our students. Parents you may “Opt Out” if you wish. Otherwise, we will screen them on Oct 21st.
Flu shots are also a service that we offer our students. Parents you will have to “Opt In” if you want your child to participate. Keep in mind if your child is young (PK-4) or has an aversion to needles you may want to be here with them if they are going to receive a shot. Shots are on Oct 21st.

Just a quick update on the some ongoing construction. We have replaced all the tables in the cafeteria and moved the dumpsters to the back of the campus. Lastly, we added a covered walkway to load the bus. We hope the students enjoy them. Stay tuned for more as the year goes on.

Attention Parents/Community Members
We currently have an opening on the Shady Point School board. For anyone interested we have an application available that outlines the requirements for the position. If you are interested and qualified please fill out the form and drop it off at the school.
Pay attention to the qualifications you must meet the all.
Here is the application: https://5il.co/act6
Here are maps and aerial photos of the district boundaries

5-8 grade students each received 10 raffle tickets today. Proceeds benefit the athletic and archery programs.
We are raffling tickets for a Barnett Recruit Youth 30 Crossbow and a Ruger American 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle with a burnt bronze barrel.
Tickets are $5 each. Please return ticket stubs and money to Mr. Austin. More tickets are available once a student sells their first ten.
The drawing will be held on November 8th during the 5-6 Grade Basketball Tournament. You need not be present to win. First ticket drawn gets choice.
Thank you all for your support!

Just a quick reminder that due to parent teacher conferences that will be NO AFTER SCHOOL today and NO SCHOOL tomorrow. Remember we will be here from 3:30 till 9:00 tonight.

Events this week
9/17 Physicals all sports @ 2:00 pm
9/19 SCHOOL PICTURE DAY (Forms go home today)
Teacher Conferences 3:30 to 9:00
9/20 No School